Our Supporters

Like the beans of our toes, the furries who pledge to support us financially help to bear us up, are very cute, might be a bit smelly sometimes, and get to wear really neat socks. We thank the following for being really cool beans:

Munchkin t4 Christine Stavar B'Laze RSK Ice Fox Nick

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Meet the Staff

Sybol is our lovely wuffess. She likes to bake delicious snacks! Sybol spent many years as a member of Girl Guides of Canada and as a result, has an affinity for camping, hiking, canoeing, swimming in lakes, and campfire songs! She is also trained in First Aid so be sure to let her know if you're not feeling well at camp.

Furgeta is a longstanding member of Manitoba's furry community, having attended countless cons and hosted many furmeets over the years. His artwork has graced many a computer screen and we are lucky enough to feature it on our home page! A scientist, Furgeta is fascinated by nature and therefore loves to camp, hike, canoe, and can spend many consecutive minutes staring up at the night sky.

Goat Mom (our GM) has a cornucopia of delicious morsels prepared for you! She has been hard at work putting PURE LOVE into the oven, one scoop at a time. She also loves crafting vexatious decorations, so don't let your guard down if you see something ominous hanging in the trees.

Slade likes wrangling animals and kicking trees. Or kicking animals and wrangling trees. 'nuff said.

Aurifer is a golden happiness doggo! He likes to awoo, despite the fines. If you need some help, he'll do what he can.

He likes design, website development, and drawing. There's nothing better than getting lost in a problem for several days! He's also the con chair since 2023.

Hardened by her time running the writers room at BronyCon, Gabby has worked her purple prose-y butt off writing and planning many of the camp's advertisements.

In addition, she's worked closely with a mysterious reporter at Wasaga Weekly to have a "special" issue regarding the history of Camp Wasaga for campers to read while enjoying the weekend. She's also coordinated with the strange and unusual reporter to attend and write an article on the camp itself.

Special mention:

Our first chair, who drew our beautiful logo and helped run the BBQ fundraisers to get this all started, is Maxine Tigress. Maxine is a writer and illustrator who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is likely best known for her character Rook's role on Klace’s debut visual novel, Major\Minor. She admits she has not finished the game.

Around Us

We're lucky to be one of many furry events. Take a look at these ones nearby:

  • Weekend at Munchkin's (@furcamp on Telegram) a camp in Pelican Pointe, SK
  • Fur-Eh! - Edmonton, AB
  • Furry Migration - Minneapolis, Minnesota

    For website issues or inquiries aurifer@manitobafurries.org