New User or Sign In

Please review your info and fill out any new info below:

Your personal info

Real Name:

Tshirt Size:

Allergies Or Considerations:

Emergency Contact Name:

Emergency Contact Phone Number:

Cabin Preferences:
Single or group? Who? Preferences in noise or distance from washrooms?

Team Colour:
Red, blue, or green? Or rank your favourites.

Preferred Teammates:

User agreement:

You agree to abide by the rules set out by Perogus Vulpes Inc and the Camp Mani-Toebeans staff on the "info" page or in any other official written material, and by Camp Wasaga and their staff, and in future by the staff of any other camp at which Camp Mani-Toebeans is to be held. You agree to treat with respect all staff, attendees, and guests of Camp Mani-Toebeans and their camp partners. In the event that Camp Mani-Toebeans staff determine you're in breach of this agreement, we retain the right to suspend your registration, with a refund given only if the suspension is enacted more than two weeks before the date of the event for which you have registered.

If there are any concerns, email Aurifer and he'll work with you to resolve it.